HUB update - V9.21


1) Added a datapipeline watchdog

Monitors data collection. Automatically restarts when behaving suboptimally.

2) Improved GPS position filtering

Filter GPS positions more aggressively to prevent inaccurate data from causing false positives in features like events. (leave/enter harbour, anchor watch).

3) Bug fix: Addressed issue causing the data backup mechanism to fail, resulting in data loss.

The uploading of data to the server behaved incorrectly when rapid successions of connections and disconnections occurred, particularly in cellular connectivity scenarios.

4) Remote control mechanism

The HUB software is updated to enable remote control of several features, such as Powerail output control and Powerail inputs monitoring.

5) Bug fix: Reboot command

From time to time, the system quickly reboots to reset to a clean slate (during no use). In some cases, this command was blocked.

6) Added diagnosis data on relevant software modules

To enable improvement in the future, lots of diagnostics data is generated to ensure Sailsense can monitor when software or hardware behaves outside of expectation.

7) Driver support for new powerail (v3.x)

The HUB must be able to communicate in the right protocol with the new Powerail microcontroller.

8) Bug Fix: Addressed issue with output pin latching that was causing temporary modem failures

In rare cases, the sequence of turning on the output of the microcontroller on the HUB could prevent the modem from being turned on again until the HUB is powered down for 30 minutes.

9) DPL version displayed on Grafana was incorrect

After a HUB software image update, the datapipeline version (a smaller piece of software) was not cleared. Since a software image update includes the datapipeline software, the info shown on grafana was not fully up to date.

10) Powerail driver: Set outputs to dimmable if scenario is dimmable

When a 'group' (a collection of outputs) is designated as dimmable, all outputs inherit the dimmability attribute, allowing all of them to be dimmable. Previously, each output also had to be individually set as dimmable.

11) Implemented recovery from HUBs internal messaging system failures

In rare cases, likely due to resource constraints, the HUBs internal messaging system (called Redis) may fail to operate normally. When this occurs, the system reboots to ensure proper operation.

12) NMEA2000 parsing: Improved SOG data

The Speed Over Ground (SOG) data was occasionally lost when utilizing the HUB internal GPS as the source of SOG. Additionally, the data is now retrieved from both the cogSogRapidUpdate field and the directionData field, whereas previously only cogSogRapidUpdate was utilized.

13) Powerail driver: Configure groups

When a ‘group’ (group of outputs) is configured, the HUB did not always correctly pass the configuration through onto the Powerail device (over CAN).

14) Blinks: Added diagnostic logs

Whenever a user presses the blinks (CAN buttons), timestamped logs are created in the hub. These can enable the HUB to diagnose if a button was pressed, but no action was taken by the Powerail.

15) Powerail visualiser: When loading a new configuration, wait for Powerail to be ready before disabling the splash screen.

16) Added CPU temperature monitoring

In rare cases, the CPU overheats under direct sunlight on the HUB during hot summer climates. To identify the location and cause of these occurrences, CPU temperature monitoring (and saving to Grafana) has been implemented.

17) Improved noise filtering on analog battery measurement lines

Some noise on the battery measurement line caused significant fluctuations in the battery gauge readings.
