How can your team reset a check-in our check-out form submitted by a customer?

If one of your customers wants to correct a mistake after submitting a check-in or a check-out form, your team has the ability to reject it so that the customer can submit it again. 

This feature is not activated by default. Please contact our support team to see whether it can be activated for your account.


How can your team reset a check-in our check-out form containing mistakes after being submitted by a customer in the Sailsense Mobile App?

  1. Login to your Fleet Management Dashboard:

  2. When logged in, click on the "Rentals" tab
  3. Click on the rental period for which you want to reset the check-in or check-out, then on summary 
  4. In the rental summary, you can see the check-in and check-out previously submitted by your customer.
  5. To reset the check-in or check-out, click on the "thumb down" icon in the orange ribbon.
  6. You are done! Your customer will be able to re-submit his check-in or check-out in the Sailsense Mobile App.

Did you know?

The new version of the check-in or check-out submitted by your customer will appear in the rental summary page, underneath the previously submitted check-in or check-out.